History of the CSLA "Best Sellers" Campaign
During the CSLA Fall Conference in November 1995, CSLA President Bonnie O'Brian tapped Jackie Siminitus and Janice Kessler to co-chair a publicity campaign to raise awareness of the California Public School Library Protection Fund, a state income tax check-off (line55). The donation option required a minimum of $250,000 raised each year in order for the check-off to remain on the state tax form.
- At the time, Janice had broken her arm and had not yet learned how to use e-mail! That was the early days of the Internet, before www and browsers.
- Peter Milbury had started CSLA's listserv, CALIBK12, so Jackie decided to use that as a key way to communicate with members. Jackie posted a "contest" for the best name for the promotional campaign and received a long list of creative names from Bolsa Grande High School Librarian Richard Moore. He won the prize for "Best Sellers".
- Networked schools need site-based coordinators that could also teach students HOW to find and evaluate content -- conduct research -- as well as how to use computer equipment. The Teacher Librarian often fills this role, sometimes doing both the technology (keyboarding, wordprocessing, PowerPoint instruction) and the information literacy (academic) skills; sometimes doing it in partnership with a computer teacher.
- One month from that day was April 15 -- tax day! We wanted to remind the public to check off a donation to the California Public School Library Protection Fund.

CSLA named eight "Best Sellers" to kick off the campaign:
- Dr. Floyd Gonella, San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools
- Jere Jacobs, President, Pacific Telesis Foundation
- Assemblymenber Jackie Speier, 19th District
- Marion McDowell, President, State School Board
- Willie Brown, Mayor, City and County of San Francisco
- Waldemar Bill Rojas, Superintendent of Schools, City and County of San Francisco
- Diane Filippi, President, State Friends of the Library
- Carol Ruley, President, California Congress of Parents, Teachers, and Students